在E3上赚足眼球的《最后的夜晚(The Last Night)》诞生于Tim和Adrien Soret**俩在 2014年CyberpunkJam 的同名获奖作品《The Last Night》。这个短短几分钟的小游戏虽然没有E3版本炫目的光照效果,但是像素美术和对赛博朋克主题的呈现以足够赏心悦目。 玩法简单笨拙无趣,但是楼宇间飞 ...显示全部
Woa.... this demo is very disappointing ... I was really hyped by this game but that demo is not doing it any good .... I hope it is going to be more than that to the game at release... Space and T is a little bit short...
@DeLastOne The game above is from a jam. It do also name "The Last Night" but actually not the demo of the game people loved in E3. I think it will be a good game personally^_^
@亚恒 It is really good to read. It make sense then why this small demo seems really rushed and poor. I am also really looking forward to this game. Love the cyber punk - Blade runner feeling from all the video I have seen so far :)