撰写了文章 发布于 2020-08-04 14:02:06
YouTube is removing the "community captions" feature in September. STOP THIS.
观众投稿功能即将停用从 2020 年 9 月 28 日开始,我们将对所有频道停用观众投稿功能。通过观众投稿功能,观看者可以为视频添加字幕和标题/说明。由于此功能的使用率不高,并且易引发垃圾内容/滥用行为的出现,因此我们决定放弃该功能,将精力放在其他创作者工具上。—— Google Support
There is a great many people who rely on captions to enjoy content posted on YouTube, for a variety of reasons. Some viewers are hard of hearing, some have audio processing disorders, and some watch content created in a language other than their own.
有相当多的人出于各种各样的原因,需要借助字幕观赏 YouTube 上的视频内容。有一些观众听觉困难,有一些人患有听觉认知性障碍,另一些人则是由于需要观赏非母语的内容。
Community captions have allowed these communities to come together and enjoy content they otherwise wouldn't have been able to. Removing community captions locks so many viewers out of the experience.
社区贡献字幕(CC)允许社区成员一起享受我们本来不能观赏到的内容。移除 CC 的同时,也会将很多观众拒之门外。
Most creators will be able to create captions for one, maybe two languages, but that's going to take a lot of time which they may not have. Community captions ensured that many videos were accessible that otherwise would not be. People from so many different backgrounds, working together to enjoy content together - why remove that?
大多数内容创作者能够制作一两种语言的字幕,但这将花费大量的时间。正是因为 CC 的存在,大量的视频才能够在易用性上得到进一步提升。来自各行各业、不同背景的人们为了能够观赏 YouTube 上的内容而一起努力贡献字幕 —— 为什么要移除这项功能呢?
We're calling on Google to reverse the decision to remove the community captions feature.
我们正在号召谷歌撤销相关决议,停止对 CC 的移除。
—— Emma
Game Maker's Toolkit 是非常好的游戏设计类评论栏目。它也依赖于 CC 提供各种语言的字幕。一直以来简体中文由 楚天阔 和 Cara 先后负责。失去了 CC,我们将只能观赏英文版的 GMTK —— 可能对你我来说没什么问题,但如此优秀的节目不应当因为语言成为其他设计师、媒体人和游戏玩家不能逾越的壁垒。