

撰写了文章 更新于 2018-08-31 10:07:15

评论 7

帕秋莉诺蕾姬 1年前



Nooahah 1年前


luckylimio 1年前


奇诺琪丝 1年前

感谢楼主从哲学方面切入,讨论游戏的定义。虽然我不确定楼主引入的很多概念是不是真的很有必要,比如其实第一部分要论述的核心就是“游戏在不同语境(context)中的意思或许完全不同”,我以为接下来要举一些使用“游戏”这个词的例子来归纳当大家谈论游戏时到底在谈论什么;结果文中笔锋一转,提了赫伊津哈的“游戏化”,然后这个观点本身好像就跟很多人心中的“游戏”相违背(“政治是一场游戏”,怎么游戏就不功利化了?游戏如果不功利化,为什么这么多人因为打不上排位而愤怒沮丧?)然后文章就突然拐到“游戏是政治性的生活的镜像”这个神奇的方向了。恕我直言,我努力的看了这篇文章至少有5遍,依然觉得很多地方引用的概念莫名其妙,很多论述的逻辑实在让我觉得看着非常难受,而我还是一个经过系统训练的、从教育学科切入研究游戏的人。我不知道这篇文章这么多点赞的人是不是真的看得懂这篇文章并且发自内心的认可其中的某些结论,还是只是感觉“啊好牛逼”所以点了赞 。文章中的插图也大多跟文章关系不大,可以说对于阅读理解鲜有帮助 = = 希望作者能帮我梳理一下文中的逻辑 

奇诺琪丝 1年前

我查阅过一些教育和写作领域关于game & play的论述,引用如下:

"Play" is usually associated with "game" - many people even use these terms interchangeably in non-academic settings. To situate this article within the literacy, rhetoric and education field of studies, as well as to facilitate following discussions in this article, I adopt Wariya's distinction of the two concepts: "While games can be described as a context of rules, space, people, materials, and valorized outcomes, play is an activity or way of moving about that context." (Wariya, 2017) In a narrow sense, game refers to the context in which play is made possible and could happen, while play refers to the activity (that happens within the scope afforded by game). "Play" always take place in a context - in many cases, "game" itself is the context. 

Is "play" arbitrary and dictated by the will of the players? To a certain degree, yes. Players are given the freedom to choose how they want to achieve the goal, which Gee refers to as "multiple routes principle" (Gee, 2003). On the other hand, whatever actions players take are afforded by the game - which means the game also constrains players' actions. Wariya (2017) further argues that "play is meaningful due to its situated-ness within specific rule-bound contexts", which implies that player's actions only become meaningful when it situates within a context. By exploiting what's available or affordable in the game (be it rules, other players, game-related instruments, etc. ) and being constrained and "persuaded" (Bogost, 2007; Gee, 2005) by the game and the social context in which the game is embedded, play happens as interactions between the player and the larger contexts (e.g. other players and players' communities, the game and ideology behind the game, technological setting that makes everything possible)


枫丹白露 [作者] 1年前

@Kinokis‍ 文章比较早了,属于那种过于站在哲学部分讨论游戏的路线,讨论价值不大,我个人思路也完全不同了。如今我对这方面问题的兴趣也基本没有了,见谅了!

奇诺琪丝 1年前

@枫丹白露 ‍ 那么现在你最新的思路有写文章吗?没有也没关系,看到喜欢这方面讨论的同好还是很高兴的 


枫丹白露 的更多文章

非线性游戏 尽管每年都有几个国产独立游戏爆款,但其实仔细思考的话,不难发现像《太吾绘卷》、《修仙模拟器》、《鬼谷八荒》基本全是按照非线性在走。非线性其实并不是很严谨的词汇,但是像模拟养成、涌现或者 ...


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