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    像素杆菌大城小胖假面女仆卫士 等 17人赞同


    这个游戏的故事对于这个游戏来说真的就是  A片的剧情对于A片

    这个游戏的名字是:Binding of Isaac,这并不是作者抽风抽出来的名字,这个名字来自希伯来圣经(Hebrew Biblehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BindingofIsaac ,怎么理解这个名字呢? 直接用谷歌翻译,得到的结果是大家知道的:以撒的结合,看上去没毛病,但是怎么结合呢,这个明显是直译不好理解。然后我们看日语的翻译:イサクの燔祭 ,直译过来就是  以撒的燔祭(火祭)  这就更好理解了:以撒被献祭了……

    再来看这个希伯来圣经里面的故事,上帝命令亚伯拉罕献祭他自己的儿子以撒,去莫里亚,上帝所指定的地方,把以撒绑起来送上祭坛。之后亚伯拉罕按照上帝的旨意执行了,在亚伯拉罕准备执行献祭的最后一分钟,上帝的天使阻止了亚伯拉罕,告诉他上帝已经知道他是敬畏上帝的。亚伯拉罕最后把旁边路过的一支公羊献祭给了上帝…… 现在不同的宗教对于这个古老的故事有自己不同的观点。到这里,再重新回忆以撒结合开头和过场的那些小动画,你就能大致理解作者想要表达的感觉(get the point)。话说回来上有点类似于 “二十四孝之埋儿奉母” 的故事,国人做这种游戏可能名字就叫:《埋儿奉母》  <- 就是这种感觉

    537da9f99f12b7c0ca646535e2933ca9.jpegThe Sacrifice of Isaac by Caravaggio, in the Baroque tenebrist manner

    《以撒的结合》全系列连起来讲了一个怎样的故事? 我也不知道,但是游戏的整体风格就是每作配上古老的圣经典故,然后呈现出怪异黑暗的风格,玩家乐在游戏丰富的内容。有兴趣的可以再研究,这个游戏的故事对于这个游戏来说真的就是 A片的剧情对于A片 主要用来烘托气氛的……


    关键字:以撒 亚伯拉罕 希伯来圣经

    参考资料: 关键字:以撒 亚伯拉罕 希伯来圣经https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binding_of_Isaac


    更新于 2017-02-27 13:04:41 2 条评论

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    西园寺花火Cookie铭墨 等 7人赞同
    手机编写答案,排版肯定就是一堆了,凑合看吧。 首先官方是有一个剧情的,前面的答主已经说了,暂不赘述。 第一次我玩的时候我就对这个游戏剧情产生了极大兴趣。这个游戏就好比玩具熊的五夜后宫一样叙述方式,扔给你一堆疯狂的现象,然后预示着背后都有内情。 毫无疑问这是一款宗教色彩很浓厚的游戏。从以撒妈妈听从上帝指示做出的疯狂行为,和以撒打败的boss之一羊头恶魔(其实原型是耶稣基督)所以很多人把它当成一款批判宗教的游戏。同样以撒的结合也是一个宗教小故事,讲的是亚伯拉罕听从上帝的指示杀掉自己的儿子以撒(没错,名字一样),正要下手时,一个天使让他杀掉一只羊代替杀掉他儿子(这都什么玩意,我是没看懂,不过就是这么写的)。讲点有意思的事,古兰经里好像也有这个内容(这很清真)。 前情提要已经说完,现在带出我的观点。这个故事完全是以撒想象出来的。从开始的小视频里我们能看出以撒是个想象力丰富的孩子,喜欢画画。而父亲的出走(结局之一)让以撒十分难受,因为父亲是向着以撒的(道具:爸爸的腿,帮助解决以撒的敌人),而母亲对于以撒的态度,呃,体现这一点的道具太多了,比如皮带,得到之后以撒身上会出现血痕。或者是下一层的动画里,以撒抱住了妈妈的腿,但是被踢开。所以以撒会出现母亲持刀站在他门口的错觉。而且母亲明明撕掉了以撒的画(开始的小视频)而结局之一的一个场景可以看出以撒的画好好的贴在墙上。而且特别重要的一点,开局所有场景动画全都是以撒的手绘体现的。我们可以把它看作是以撒的主观,不一定是真的。可能以撒的妈妈只是叫他去吃饭,而家庭的变故和巨大压力已经让喜欢幻想的以撒不堪重负,产生了种种错觉。 既然已经确定是错觉了,那么我就来浅谈一下剧情构成。首先这是一个宗教家庭,父亲不堪重负走掉了,而母亲对于以撒严厉且无关爱之心(以撒房间空空如也),一群熊孩子只会脱以撒的裤子,嘲笑他。同时他的母亲喜欢让以撒女装(结局生活照之一),也被嘲笑。以撒有一只猫,名字叫Goppy。这只猫对以撒非常重要。因为每次以撒死亡,那张遗嘱都会说把我所有的遗产给Goppy,而某个结局可以看到Goppy死在了宝箱里(同时这也是以撒变成恶魔的结局)。这些都是以撒生活中的压力让这个充满幻想充满创造力的孩子无法忍受。认为生活中出现的一切挫折都是他的错。一个在重生里出现的新角色证明了这一点。Azazel,替罪羊,接受一切指责的人。这样的情况下以撒需要逃离到一个安静的地方,玩具箱无疑是他所认为最好的选择(玩具箱里能开出有用的道具),可是玩具箱真的那么安全么,结局10里可以遇到经典的小蓝人。xx的眼睛和蓝色的皮肤,与以撒相似的外形,这是被憋死的以撒啊(人在缺氧时皮肤呈现蓝色)。同样在结局十二中以撒的角色不断变换,而小蓝人没有出现(死亡是无法被活着的人理解的),那么到此为止,以撒就这么死了?在结局16里以撒成为了恶魔,而以撒还有一个人物,Eden。在结局十五中,以撒出走了,在见识到了自己的善良和邪恶后他有了勇气离开自己的宝箱,寻找属于自己的伊甸园。也就是标题所说,以撒,重生了。 同样这个游戏和作者也有关,因为作者幼年时家中有酒鬼和毒虫,而基督教感化他家。但是对于宗教过度崇拜给他带来了压力。但是今天,我们能看到作者是一个成功的独立游戏制作人,可以说作者也重生了呢。
    发布于 2017-02-24 02:25:21 0 条评论

  • 3

    剑荆棘All shall be well.

    像素杆菌alice05Cookie 赞同


    The Binding of Isaac's plot is very loosely inspired by the biblical story of the same name.[4] Isaac, a child, and his mother live in a small house on a hill, both happily keeping to themselves, with Isaac drawing pictures and playing with his toys, and his mother watching Christian broadcasts on television. Isaac's mother then hears "a voice from above", stating her son is corrupted with sin, and needs to be saved. It asks her to remove all that was evil from Isaac, in an attempt to save him. His mother obliges, taking away his toys, drawings, and even his clothes.

    The voice once again speaks to Isaac's mother, stating that Isaac must be cut off from all that is evil in the world. Once again, his mother obliges, and locks Isaac inside his room. Once more, the voice speaks to Isaac's mother. It states she has done well, but it still questions her devotion, and tells her to sacrifice her son. She obliges, grabbing a butcher's knife from the kitchen and walking to Isaac's room. Isaac, watching through a sizable crack in his door, starts to panic. He finds a trapdoor hidden under his rug and jumps in, just before his mother opens his bedroom door. Isaac then puts the paper he was drawing onto his wall, which becomes the title screen.

    During the game's loading points, Isaac is shown curled up in a ball, crying. His thoughts are visible, ranging among rejection from his mother and humiliation from his peers to a scenario involving his own death. The game features 13 possible endings, one after each major boss fight.






    发布于 2017-02-23 15:46:42 0 条评论

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    Sofre 赞同




    I strongly believe that game enthusiasts want what they haven't seen yet, and that ***** gamers should be treated like *****s. Some people might argue that Isaac isn't "mature" when it comes to its content, but those people would be ignorant fools! When I designed Isaac's story and overall theme, I went in wanting to talk to the player about religion in a manner I was comfortable with -- that is, with dark humor and satire.

    A lot of the content in Isaac is extremely dark and *****. It touches on aspects of child abuse, gender identity, infanticide, neglect, suicide, abortion, and how religion might negatively affect a child, which are topics most games would avoid. I wanted to talk about them, and I wanted to talk about them in the way I was comfortable with, so that's what I did with Isaac.

    I'm not saying everyone who played Isaac did so because they cared about these themes, or that they even understood why they were in the game, but I strongly believe that this ***** conversation I dove into with Isaac is what made the game stand out to people and kept them thinking.

    I grew up in a religious family. My mom's side is Catholic, and my dad's side is born-again Christians. The Catholic side had this very ritualistic belief system: My grandma could essentially cast spells of safe passage if we went on trips, for example, and we would light candles and pray for loved ones to find their way out of purgatory, and drink and eat the body and blood of our savior to be abolished of mortal sin.

    As a child growing up with this, I honestly thought it was very neat -- very creative and inspiring. It's not hard to look at my work and see that most of the themes of violence actually come from my Catholic upbringing, and in a lot of ways I loved that aspect of our religion. Sadly, the other side of my family was a bit more harsh in their views on the Bible; I was many times told I was going to hell for playing Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering (in fact, they took my MtG cards away from me), and generally condemned me for my sins.

    I wanted Isaac to embody this duality I experienced with religion. I wanted it to show the positive and negative effects it had on me as a child -- the self-hate and isolation it instilled in me, but also the dark creativity it inspired. The Bible is a very good, creatively written book, and one of my favorite aspects of it is how so many people can find different meanings in one passage. I wanted Isaac to have this in its story as well, which is why the game's final ending(s) have many possible interpretations.

    更新于 2019-01-16 12:32:40 0 条评论

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