Turnopia likes to think outside the box to offer us a game over a period and a type of war that is not very adapted, and in itself very little known. On this point, we rediscover the ancient naval warfare with pleasure. Developed by the small Spanish studio Turnopia ...
当年在indiemegabooth看到并被这游戏吸引后不知为何没继续在iOS上玩下去,今又能在PC上再续前缘依然会再次感叹其大量的发光材质后面隐藏了多少 Sam Boucher 的 color palette research 结果,这对一个热爱视觉的人来说无疑是一份宝藏。 拿美术风格来说一个3D toybox解谜游戏的主要似乎有 ...