Graphic 25%(visual presentation 20% art/HUD 5%)+music 5% sound 5% voice5%+technique(optimization, camera, physics, etc)10% +gameplay40%(mechanism/level design 20% combat/control 20%)+story/world settings/characters 10%
I'll put it simple and plain: this is one of the hidden gems that you definitely have missed.
And it's a shame that the sales didn't go well.
Well maybe that's the truth for every good thing(if any) in the world? emmm
Remember the Behemoth games,say, battleblock theatre? This game has some sort of similar stupidity tone in it, with a far more delicate touch. Graphic wise, the art is in top-notch cartoonish style and detailed scene/stage settings. Sometimes I have to stop for a moment just to stare at these cute animations on the screen. Such a clean, relaxed and pleasant atmosphere fits in well with the story and general gameplay, which is another reason to appreciate the aesthetics. I can't even praise it more for a indie game. Great great job! UI also looks neat, I'll stop my bragging here, or else it's gonna last forever lmao.
Well, a bit of in the middle I'd say. For the world map part(where you can ride your pal giraffe and slash those poor little ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bread), I forgot if there is only one BGM or not, but as for the platform part(5 stages+1 boss fight per chapter), the BGM is a bit dull. And there are only at most 10 different pieces repeating themselves in a unintriguing way.
...on the other hand, sound is stone-solid. Don't take me wrong, I'm not saying that there are tons of effects or abundant types of sounds. However, I always find myself satisfying by just slashing my sword and hearing those rich sound of explosion and cracking, even though they are basically the same with one another. Sounds in themselves do not possess any sophisticated value, but a proper combination of sounds with the action will make a hell of gameplay. In some part of the gameplay, you have to control the Mr.stone buddy to fly across the stage, it makes such a hilarious sound when collides with a wall that I recorded it as my alarm clock works pretty well: I now wake up with a stupid smile everyday.
I don't think the characters in game are dubbed...correct me if I'm wrong. Well given consideration of the enlightened dialogues in game, it would have added some funny flavors if there is a soundtrack, done carefully and correctly. But anyway...
Physics serves the gameplay mechanism good, nothing to complain so far. Game does have some stuttering from time to time, but generally no need to worry about the optimization if you have a medium-end or better rig. Not much to say about camera, just like any other platformers, simple and good. I have to mention an opposite example here, the newly arrived game <Light Fall> , which is a parkour-ish platformer, but having a weird shaking camera that always put its character in the center of the screen(which is of couse absurd if you really set it like this), plus the uncanon accelerated movement, lmao, makes me feel dizzy in a 2D game. This game, however, does not have such technical problems or poor designs.
They nailed it.
You have a giraffe pal from beginning which will give you the hover movement if you hold your jump button in the air(serves a bit like the glide mechanism in other platformers, say, Ori) and the hook(well, the giraffe tongue) for which you can use in movement or in combat. Other classical platformer elements such as wall jump, spring(a toaster...), step-jump on enemies, etc are also included to keep players busy and generally add some challenges into gameplay. All in all, it's more or less on the casual side, with none(or only a tiny bit of) difficulty...
There are 5 stages(each has 5 independent levels) + 1 boss fight + 1 arena level per chapter. Each separate level has collectables(cakes for the cosmetic items, and stickers). Each chapter has its own theme, forest, dessert, ocean or even an alien planet, these variant environments feel refreshing and nowhere near boring, since you only need 8-9 hours to beat the game(a merit for me, I don't have time for those 100+ hour bs single player 3A titles. those are for no-life no-friend losers, bite me, I am a biased ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ multiplayer game lover). Speaking of which, it also has a local coop mode to let you have some fun with your pal(in real-life). You can level up your character through fighting enemies and gain a skill each level. Also your sword will look sharper and shinier(from the wooden toy sword all the way to the crystal dragon slayer).
The game is more of action aspect than of the combat. There is just one button for you to smash stuff with the sword, game also provides with several items that could be used in a battle(I like the sunshine bomb that could turn the already cute enemies no spoiler), but still, the combat is simple, no matter how intense it looks, you basically just press the squre button like crazy(there is a dodge mechanism, for which you just need to move backward when the opponent is about to attack). The Mr.stone buddy will help a lot in the later parts of the game, especially when it's fully upgraded. Control is smooth and responsive, a golden gauge for the game genre, button layout is straightforward and customizable. Recommend using a controller.
Your papa(looks like your grandpa) was caught by a mad scientist, you ride your giraffe and set off to save him, befriend with a stone and some toast, find a pants for the overweight whale, be a disciple of a crab then fight a giant bacon buccaneer...this game does remind me of the good old days, when I had nothing to worry about and felt happy about stupid little things. Now I only feel stupid for things that supposed to be 'happy'. How life has turned an adventurous pal into an '*****' pal, ugh...
Buy, Wait for sales, Rent/Deep deep sale, Never touch Rating: Buy
画面25%(表现力20% 艺术性/HUD5%)+音乐5% 音效5% 配音5%+技术(优化,摄像机,物理效果等)10%+游戏体验40%(机制/关卡设计20% 战斗/操控20%)+剧情/世界观/人设10%
物理效果服务于游戏机制,可圈可点,目前没有能抱怨的地方。游戏本身偶尔会顿卡,但总体来说只要中配置以上的电脑就可以畅玩。摄像机没有什么好说的,和其它平台类游戏一样,朴素实用。总体没有失败的设计和技术问题。这里要提一下反例,最近有上架一个平台跑酷类游戏<Light Fall>,这游戏摄像机方面和游戏机制...老娘怒得不想再翻译,记住是辣鸡就行。
游戏的名字叫<Adventure Pals>,那主角冒险途中自然就离不开好伙伴们的帮助。初始的长颈鹿可以让主角在空中悬浮一段时间(空中按跳跃键,类似与其它平台类游戏里的滑翔机制),长颈鹿的舌头还可以拿来充当钩索...可用于移动和战斗。其它平台类游戏的经典要素诸如蹬墙跳,弹簧(准确说是个烤面包机,主角跳起去,然后被弹起来...),踩敌人脑袋跳(水管工,当然有的敌人脑袋上是带刺的)给游戏带了一定的挑战性和十足的趣味性。但总的来说,难度方面非常休闲,没有任何复杂的操作。
字数限制,剧情就不赘述了,ACG ranking:推荐购买。