具体来说,Toki Tori 2作为一款"Metroidvania"并没有各色各样的道具,只有两种基本能力:鸣叫与跺脚,仅此而已。为什么Metroidvania要打引号呢,借用我另一回答中的一段话吧:
“Metroidvania games generally feature a large interconnected world map the player can explore, though access to parts of the world is often limited by doors or other portals that can only be opened after the player has acquired special items, tools, weapons or abilities within the game." -- Wikipedia
限制你的不是“doors or portals",也不是“lack of special items, tools or abilities”,而是"lack of knowledge"。换言之,只有通过不断的探索才能了解到鸣叫与跺脚背后隐藏的游戏机制,而这些能力是在一开始就赋予给玩家的。
你可以去看看 @楚天阔 大佬搬运的视频:
我觉得标题的翻译不是很准确,原文是“Sequence Breaking”,可我也想不到更好的翻译呢。
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