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Memo dump: GDC 2018 Art Direction Bootcamp
英文资料只看slide是真不行 试下1.5倍速视频…
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A No Nonsense Approach to Designing Robot Dinosaurs
Sony - Bottom-up structure - Developers->Studio->WWS
Double diamond design process
Pitch process
- develop an epic and cinematic character-driven game franchise with intense action-packed gameplay, strong storytelling, set in a distinct and rich universe
- the pitches 详见slide,这些一句话pitch还是挺有参考性的
- recurring themes: Lush, Rich worlds/Bots & Mechs/Fresh, Positive, Humor/Juxtaposition/New experience instead of being better than the competition
Tech & Nature,acopolyse,post-acopolypse. Horizon is new, blossom over ashes, bright, hopeful view.
Mystery - what happened? - Create a world of sensitivity and believability
- THE WORLD WITHOUT US by Alan weisman.
How trace of humankind disappear. - Design the process
- THE WORLD WITHOUT US by Alan weisman.
Piller methodoly / key statements of intended experience / take quite a bit of time to craft / mid point of the double diamond design process
- Environment: Explorer the majestic wilderness growing on the mysterious ruins of a post-post-apocalyptic far-future America where machines have become the dominant lifeform
- Trible culture: Experience the compelling stories, rich cultures and memorable characters of a tribal mankind and save them from the brink of extinction
- Use "Intrinsic ideation" to achieve believability
- "The rule of cool" - add cool stuff on top - destroy believability of any idea
- GUNS GERMS, AND STEEL by Jared Diamond - culture is all about resources
- Nora: high mountain woodlands = little agriculture = hunting gathering lifestyle = smaller tribe = less vocational specialization = little trade
- Layering element. Everything is there for a reason
- Machines: Hunt lethal, awe-inspiring animalistic machines with your speed, agility and smarts using weapons, gears and traps crafted from their salvaged parts
- Roleplay the machine design company, at first
- Review pillar, there are "hunt" and "dominating lifeform"
- Boston dynamic! Bionics! Arts imitating technology that imitating life
pitch process一方面从studio内收集idea,一方面采用theme也能让成员做想做的内容
design process特别是pillar方面的介绍很有可操作性!
总觉得有点超过Art Direction范畴www
没Vault账号可以看这里 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4g5a5CFGVZE
On Cultures of Shared Creative Ownership
- Individual place value | Autonomy(self-government) = Risk
- What -> How -> Why -> Ownership. Add "why" into communication
- Shared ownership principles for individuals : Everything is your business
- 当想去完成一件事的时候,是不能将责任丢给别人的,得自己站起来请别人协作
- 如果想要ownership,必须这么做 (深有体会!)
- Your work vs. Whole product | 立足于公共的Vision | 可以去找别人的茬,也会被找茬,所以auto balancing(?)
- Transparency: Everyone's work is visible to everyone at all times !
- Inclusivity: Anyone who is part of the solution should be part of the discussion
- Structure reduces responsibility 减轻risk是没错,但减轻responsibilty的时候同时也削减了ownership
- 用virtual camera + timelapse来观察场景进展这招太先进了,难怪推上会有uncharted 4的timelapse放出来
- 发现知乎上也有介绍这种技巧的 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/46320627
- 80lv有篇报道,DD的视频也不要钱
https://80.lv/articles/fostering-a-progressive-team-culture-model/ - Maximov依然语速飞快…
Artistry in a New Medium: 'Lone Echo' and the Magic of VR
- Content Challenges
- Very aggressive performance target / 90FPS + Stereo
- Forgetting what you know / 特别是传统3A制作人员
- Comfort is king!
- Current gen hand tracking limitations (Touch)
- Tracks 6DoF for hands and head
- Limited finger tracking (index, thumb, rest as‘mitt’)
- No elbow, shoulder, or body tracking
- Use of Negative Space / 字面意思,留白。留给玩家脑补更容易缓解认知上的矛盾
- 太空无重力环境,用grab/pull/push等基本操作来移动也很自然
- 技术力保证了就算是VR环境Visual也很棒
- Olivia(貌似唯一的NPC?)对各种动作进行相应的即时反馈,反过来也帮助确立character
- 两个游戏在交互上基本共通,但因为游戏类型不同在visual上风格有所区别
- VR的玻璃上一定要有花纹!不然会容易一样撞上去
- Low contrast detail以specular/roughness为主,没有normal,保证有detail的同时又comfort
- Q:怎么引导视线?A:本身是基于环境的叙事,而且放弃控制也不坏,例子是随玩家自由看爆炸还是看身边被困的朋友,当然Sound也很有帮助
Inspiring Creativity through Internal Game Jams
- 内容略有些流水账,一些tips还不错
- Cross discipline 强调多元化
- Artists are being notorious at time management
- Game jams at RIOT: Wednesday ~ Friday. 2 times a year.
- Lesson learned - All artist
- Team composition matters
- Work with new people
- Finishing something is important
- Producers! (someone pay attention to time, resource, organize people) - Lesson learned - Magma chamber
- Sleep is good
- Player expectation
- Team size doesn't matter when you have organized people
- Theme tone can affect work tone (focus on fun) (没必要做成regular work) - Lesson learned - A pirate map skin
- Big teams are awesome! (25 people)
- Prioritizing having fun
- White board tracking FTW! (比复杂的工具更管用)
- Yes to all the ideas
- We can make a tone of content quickly - Goals shift (基于上面的经验)
- Make games without over planning
- Get lots of new people involved
- Push people out of their comfort zone - Lesson learned
- We can make a game with no planning
- No crunch needed
- Accelerated learning FTW! (Force people to learn something)
- This game sucks! - Lesson learned - 41 people - include HR etc. - A complete game
- Pixel art is hard mode
- Part timers welcome
- The best ideas can come from anyone
- Anyone can help make games - Lesson learned - ?? People (even more) - A complete game, and ship it
- Game jams: GGJ https://itch.io/jams http://www.indiegamejams.com/
- Closing thoughts
- Builds teamwork skills
- Creative problem solving
- Time management
- Fresh perspective - 每个单独的advice虽然从局外人角度来看起来有点理所当然,
但这一路learn from fails挺值得学习 - 不仅是发挥creativity还有build confidence
- 白板超级棒!No floating task!
- 把ppt放白板上效果还挺赞的
'Windup': An Animation Feature Quality Rendering in Real-Time
- 回避(非目标)难点 Avoid difficulty
- Braid hair -> sort
- Dark hair -> shading
- Sweater -> no wrinkle, only weaving pattern
- Hair detail
- Tileable specular map 256x256
- Loose hair strands
- Extra layer to hide repeat pattern 讲道理Tiling用的出神入化…
- Sweater
- Loose hair cards to break silhouette! 这个思路真的很棒!
- Loose hair cards to break silhouette! 这个思路真的很棒!
Three Steps to Becoming a Better Artist Immediately!
- Checklist!
- Don't be a dick | Trust + Respect = Collaboration
- Stop and think
- Use reference
- ( Idea + Design + Technique ) -> Tone -> Execution
- There is no generic barrel! Do you fucking homework! Expressive reference!
- 1h for a paint. Use 50min to think, 10min to paint
The Passion Project: Catalyst to Creativity and Cure for the Stagnate
- Take any opportunity to practice
- Finding the project -> e.g. Make a sketch book
- Observational sketching
- Don’t be shy | Marketing > Solicitation
The Distributed Art Direction of 'Edith Finch'
- 因为没有Art Director,所以来的是Technical Art Lead
- concept art -> asset 转化率高得惊人
- Hire people you trust with your design, it's harder to teach taste than technique
- Mechanics affects the art direction? Story object as hook, almost all animations are bespoke