撰写了文章 更新于 2017-02-13 07:46:05
Make it fun or make it powerful
I always believed that 'gameplay first', fun is the most important part of a game. I love every second when I was playing Crypt of the NecroDancer, a great game.
I never questioned this principle, until now I am starting a new project, I am going to do it in a different way. Journey is my inspiration, which leads me to an experiment that I want to make a powerful game instead of a fun game. Not saying it won't be fun, but it will be focusing more on being powerful than fun, like Journey, bringing very very powerful experience through the gameplay.
Following the GDC talk 'design journey', I start to draw out the emotion curves, separate different acts and levels to represent those emotion changes, add plots to those highs and lows. Most interesting thing is, I don't have any gameplay yet:D
It's a slow progress because I don't have any experience on this, I am not a writer, not a good story teller, not a filmmaker, not an artist, not a good designer, but I still can try to make the game.
I will keep writing my thoughts during the development, to record, to review and to share my adventure with others.
frankc 1年前
A novel idea, but a dangerous approach imo - designing experience over gameplay. But I'm sure you can pull it off. Looking forward to your next devlog!
云上茴香 1年前
林云 1年前
hello my name is linyun this is a pen
Ivan_Kozlov 1年前